Northwich Philatelic Society | Northwich, Cheshire

Northwich Philatelic Society are based in Northwich, Cheshire and serve the stamp collecting and philatelic needs of the people of mid Cheshire.


Northwich Philatelic Society Annual General Meeting November 2021

The Annual General Meeting of Northwich Philatelic Society went ahead as planned on 9th November, after an interlude forced upon us by the pandemic of 2020. The Secretary read out the minutes of the previous meeting, which were passed and this was then followed by the reports of the various Committee members.

The chairman, Graham Macpherson, commented briefly on the challenges of the past two years and noted that we had lost some members during that period. Following reports from the other members, we moved to the election of committee members for 2021/22 and as is customary, at this point Graham stepped down to allow Vice Chairman, Jonathan Guy, to be elected to Chairman and to chair the remainder of the meeting.

Jonathan noted the huge contribution of both Carol Slater as Secretary and Malcolm Ridsdale as Treasurer, without whom, running the Society would be a much harder task and thanked them for their outstanding work over the previous years. They were both duly re-elected to their respective roles. Neil Slater was elected the new Vice-Chairman.

After the meeting closed, we ran the traditional Auction which due to some recent generous donations, had almost 100 lots to auction off. There were some real bargains to be had on the night, such as this lovely Mauritius set from 1953,  beautifully presented on a handwritten page, along with some extra commercially used covers, all for only £5.

The auction was handled by Steve Speak who managed to encourage members to part with over £200, most of which will go towards club funds.